Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tiny and easy-to-use file splitter (better than HJSplit)

By Admin  |  10/17/2006 09:50:00 PM No comments

I have been watching different forums and sites about the articles on how to splint and join the large files and everyone is using and recommending HJSplit. Anybody knows that there is a better and tiny utility available named “FileSplitter”. It is written by two Indian students and I am using it since year 2002 and I like it very much. HJSplit needs to be on the enduser’s system to join the files and I think by using FileSplitter, you can overcome that problem.

“A simple, easy to use freeware utility that helps the user split huge files into chunks of small sizes that can be recombined at ease to retrieve the original file.

Moreover you needn't have the File Splitter for the re-combination !!.

The software is nourished with a variety of split options and provides an attractive and friendly GUI that makes the user feel at home.

Go for this simple yet powerful utility - after all it's only a 9Kb download!! size does matter...........doesn't it !!!”

Get it here for Windows, only 8.26 KB, http://filesplitter.8m.com/splitwin.zip

Author: Admin

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