Sunday, October 08, 2006

“Linux is not Windows”

By Admin  |  10/08/2006 03:36:00 PM No comments

I have come across an interesting article while browsing through a Linux forum explaining newbie Linux user’s perspective while changing from Windows to Linux or trying Linux after using Windows for years. It is a must-read article for Linux newbies and really, I have learned a lot from this.

I really liked the examples of Firefox, cars and motorbikes, customer-supplier relationship, and Lego toy.

The specific reasons why people try Linux vary wildly, but the overall reason boils down to one thing: They hope Linux will be better than Windows. Common yardsticks for measuring success are cost, choice, performance, and security. There are many others. But every Windows user who tries Linux, does so because they hope it will be better than what they've got.

Remember that where Linux is familiar and the same as what you're used to, it isn't new & improved. Welcome the places where things are different, because only here does it have a chance to shine.

Don't assume that being a knowledgeable Windows user means you're a knowledgeable Linux user: When you first start with Linux, you are a novice.

Read the complete article here >>

Author: Admin

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