Saturday, September 23, 2006

Thanks to Ubuntu Community

By Admin  |  9/23/2006 01:28:00 PM 1 comment

I have requested a free Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Linux Distribution) CD on August 19, 2006 on their official site and received it on September 12, 2006. I was wondering whether they send it or not. I am using a 64 kbps connection with download restrictions and downloading of a CD takes hours.

Fortunately, I have received that CD and it was shipped from Netherlands. I am very much interested in Open Source Software and uses lot of them including Firefox, Thunderbird, and some software released under GPL. After browsing a lot of distributions, I thought that Linspire and Ubuntu are the best distros for the Linux newbies. Linspire looks similar to Windows, but it costs $50, so I wanted to give a try to Ubuntu as they were shipping free CDs.

Though system was running slow, it was also similar to Windows operating system. When I digged about Linspire on Digg, I found that sometime ago, Linspire was giving free copies and now that coupons don’t work. You can get it for $20 (actual price is $49.95) using the coupon “TryOutLinux” at checkout.

Have a look at:
Ubuntu screenshots
Linspire screenshots
Linspire Flash Intro

Author: Admin

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rem said...

yeah..i also requested cds of ubuntu (5pcs).i got mine today! they shipped it to me,fortunately free of happy to have ubuntu 6.06 delivered right to my only took less than 2 weeks if i not mistaken.thanks to linux community (i havent open it since it reached at my im at my uni..)

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